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Connecticut State Rifle & Revolver Association

Our History

The Connecticut State Rifle & Revolver Association, Inc. (CSRRA) was formed in 1927 with the principal object the development of shooting sports athletes of the highest class through the sponsoring of small arms competitions, the conduct of junior and adult shooter development programs and the representation of the state of Connecticut in competitions at the local, state, national and international levels. The Association has also the subsidiary object of the promotion of public safety and the social welfare, law, order, justice, and the national defense through the education and training citizens of good repute in the safe and efficient handling of small arms, and the encouragement of lawful ownership and lawful use of small arms for sport and recreation.

The association’s website has been established to keep its members informed on happenings around the state. It features news items, match results, articles from members and directors as well as other general information for our members. Your participation is also welcomed and encouraged!

Many volunteers that are dedicated to the shooting sports have been assembled to run your State Association. These volunteers develop and run the programs you enjoy. They also manage the affairs of the association on a daily basis. The annual meeting, which is for all members, is always a joyous occasion to get together. The annual meeting also provides an opportunity to recognize the accomplishments of those who have performed in an outstanding manner by inducting them into the Connecticut State Rifle & Revolver Association’s Hall of Fame.

We are a 501c3 Charitable Organization, so please support us!

CSRRA College Scholarship Fund

If your interest is to help promote the CSRRA organization, we would like to hear from you!

Contact Us

Why does the State of Connecticut Rifle & Revolver Association have a tree on their logo?

The answerIt is our state tree, the Charter Oak! 

Deep-rooted in the historic tradition of Connecticut, the Charter Oak is one of the most colorful and significant symbols of the spiritual strength and love of freedom which inspired our Colonial forebears in their militant resistance to tyranny. This venerable giant of the forest, over half a century old when it hid the treasured Charter in 1687, finally fell during a great storm on August 21, 1856.

Two English kings, a royal agent, a colonial hero and a candle-lit room are the figures and backdrop in one of the most thrilling chapters of America’s legend of liberty. The refusal of our early Connecticut leaders to give up the Charter, despite royal order and the threat of arms, marked one of the greatest episodes of determined courage in our history.

On October 9, 1662, The General Court of Connecticut formally received the Charter won from King Charles II by the suave diplomacy of Governor John Winthrop, Jr., who had crossed the ocean for the purpose. Twenty-five years later, with the succession of James II to the throne, Connecticut’s troubles began in earnest. Sir Edmund Andros, His Majesty’s agent, followed up failure of various strategies by arriving in Hartford with an armed force to seize the Charter. After hours of debate, with the Charter on the table between the opposing parties, the candle-lit room suddenly went dark. Moments later when the candles were re-lighted, the Charter was gone. Captain Joseph Wadsworth is credited with having removed and secreted the Charter in the majestic oak on the Wyllys estate.

Reproduced from the Connecticut State Register & Manual with permission of the Secretary of the State.


CSRRA Mission Statement

Our mission is to foster and support the shooting sports in the State of Connecticut:

  • To promote and encourage all phases of shooting sports within the State of Connecticut.
  • To encourage and promote firearm safety and education within the State of Connecticut.
  • To foster a climate which encourages ownership and legal use of all legal types of firearms by law-abiding citizens of the state.
  • To encourage and promote legislation to preserve the legal ownership and use of firearms for all law-abiding citizens of the State of Connecticut.
  • To promote and conduct matches/tournaments sponsored by local clubs, CSRRA, NRA, CMP and USA Shooting
  • To promote the Shooting Sports within the State

Current CSRRA Board Members

Officers Name Email Expiration
President Collins, Jude 2026
Vice President Bernier, Matthew 2024
Recording Secretary Lyman, Deborah 2026
Treasurer Cicchetti, Anthony 2026
Activity Directors      
Education Training Nalewajek, Bob   2024
High Power Palmer, Brad 2025
Junior McDonnell, Shawn 2026
Membership Director Stumpf, Paul 2024
Pistol Lerz, Francis D. 2025
Smallbore Bernier, Kami 2024
At-Large Directors      
  D'Aleo, Joseph   2025
  Rocketto, Steven   2025
  Hyatt, David   2026
  Alvarez, Gene   2024

NRA affiliation

The CSRRA is the official affiliate of the NRA in the state of Connecticut.

Applications for hosting NRA registered matches must be approved by the state association before NRA will approve them.

CMp affiliation

The Connecticut State Rifle and Revolver Association is an affiliated member of the CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM.

For purposes of the CMP rifle application, joining the CSRRA, fulfills the requirement of belonging to a CMP affiliated club or association.

Promoting firearms education and training of citizens since 1927

© 2024 Connecticut State Rifle & Revolver Association - All Rights Reserved Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 06-1002416

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